
Hello! I am a PhD student at University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science and Technology working with Prof. Srinivasan Keshav. My research interests are applied remote sensing and machine learning in the natural environment. I am also broadly interested in environmental and technology policy.

Prior to Cambridge, I received my masters from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and my bachelors from Vanderbilt University.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to talk. Email is the best way to reach me.




Here are some miscellaneous things that I have made for fun:



A board game where the goal is to be the first player to align five stones vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Try it out here.

Conway's Game of Life


An implementation of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular simulation devised by British mathematician John Conway in 1970. It simulates the life and death of cells on a rectangular grid based on a set of rules. Try it out here.

Dark Chess


A Rust CLI version of the Chinese Dark Chess board game. It is a variant of traditional Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) with hidden information and uncertainty.

Enigma Machine


A simulator for the Enigma machine used during World War II for encrypting and decrypting messages. This implementation aims to accurately represent the rotors, plugboard, and reflector systems of the historical Enigma machine. You can try it out on the github pages site for this project.

Tic Tac Toe Variant


This is a Tic Tac Toe game variant implemented in Rust. The twist is that each player can only have three pieces on the board at maximum, with the oldest piece being replaced whenver a new piece is placed. You can play it here.